DSAI Dynamical Systems and Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Zahra Monfared


Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR), Heidelberg University
Im Neuenheimer Feld 205 - MΛTHEMΛTIKON A, Second floor, Room: 2/308
69120 Heidelberg

Email: zahra.monfared@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
Office hours: By arrangement

About me

I am an independent BMBF Research Group Leader in Dynamical Systems and AI at Heidelberg University. Before that, I was a postdoc at the Technical University of Munich in Physics-Enhanced Machine Learning and at Heidelberg University in Scientific Machine Learning and Computational Neuroscience. I obtained a PhD in Applied Mathematics (Dynamical Systems) and an MSc in Pure Mathematics (Geometry and Differential Equations). I am interested in the Mathematical Foundations of AI, Scientific Machine Learning, and Complex Dynamical Systems, with applications in Neuroscience, Weather and Climate, Engineering, and Economics. Specifically, my work mainly focuses on two research directions: 1) Dynamical Systems for AI; and 2) AI for Dynamical Systems. I was awarded prestigious BMBF research funding to establish my independent research group in 2024 and the NeurIPS Outstanding Reviewer Award in 2021.

Education and Academic Positions

- Independent BMBF Research Group Leader in AI, Heidelberg University, Germany.
- Post-Doctoral Researcher in Physics-Enhanced Machine Learning. Dept. of Computer Science, TUM School of CIT, Technical University of Munich, Germany.
- Post-Doctoral Researcher in Scientific Machine Learning & Computational Neuroscience, Dept. of Theoretical Neuroscience, CIMH, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Germany.
- Post-Doctoral Researcher in Scientific Machine Learning, Dept. of Mathematics & Informatics and Cluster of Excellence STRUCTURES, Heidelberg University, Germany.
- Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics (Dynamical Systems) - Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.
- M.Sc. in Pure Mathematics (Geometry and Differential Equations) - Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.

Research Interests

- Mathematical Foundations of AI
- Scientific Machine Learning
- Complex Dynamical Systems
- Koopman Operator Theory
- Machine Learning for Numerical Methods
- Neuroimaging and Brain Health Analysis
- Applied Geometry and Topology
- Functional Analysis

Honors and Awards

- BMBF Research Funding for establishing my independent research group (my own position, one Postdoc, 2 PhD positions, and 2 research assistants) in the field of AI (2024–2027)
- NeurIPS Outstanding Reviewer Award, 2021
- Research Visit Funding During Ph.D. Program. Institute for Analysis and Algebra, Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany.
- Ranked 1st in Ph.D. program with highest GPA
- Graduated with Honors in M.Sc. and B.Sc. programs


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